Sunday, June 28, 2009

Via Colori! or Sidewalk Chalk for Grownups

This weekend is the charitable art festival here in Bardstown. One's first thought is (of course) "Art? Quilts?!" No, no fabric was involved but there were some beautiful and inspirational works of art. Can you believe these are done with chalk on the street? I don't think I could bear to have something I worked so hard on be worn or washed away.

This one was my personal favorite:

And Stinkerbella's:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This is it, our new home! The 400+ mile move to Kentucky was.... interesting. I have no intention of ever moving again. Ever. Seriously, if I never have to pack up another thing ever again it will be too soon.

The house is beautiful. 4 years old but no one has ever lived in it with the housing market being the way that it is. The ceilings are amazing, to put it in quilting terms - fans with an inner border and a daisy batik outer border but done with plaster! The paint/drywall guys were clearly masters of their work; the plumber, however, was a moron. Our basement flooded when I did the first load of wash because they forgot to remove a plastic knock-out in a drain. There are other things too but I digress. Hubby is handy so it will all be fine.

The day after move in the rest of our menagerie came home for the summer so we're up to six rug-rats till the end of August. We'd love to have them all year-round but that's not going to happen without an act of God. We all went to the zoo last week, it was a riot. Are soon-to-be 14 year olds too old to wear matching shirts? Probably {sigh} I spent the whole day counting heads to make sure we hadn't lost anyone (we didn't). Here's all but the teenagers, they're too cool to pose with the orangutan ;)
I did also finish (& start) a quilt for #2's best friend's sister's new baby due at the end of the summer. A quick Yellow Brick Road with a little of the monster truck fabric in my stash and some fat quarters. I managed to make the whole thing and only needed to buy quilting thread and batting. How could I not have rainbow variegated thread before now?

I quilted cute "car" words in the quilting too. But, Yah!!! a finished quilt!!!!

All in all it's been an exhausting few weeks. I think StinkerBella says it best....

New Year's Resolution - Part 15?

Every year for as long as I can remember I've resolved to lose weight. Like millions and millions of other people. And like millions of ...